Thursday, November 12, 2009


About time we gave you the latest on LEDY. In a nutshell, we spent a mad ten days filming in September, and have spent about two months recovering from those ten days. It all went to plan (sort of) and we believe we have some good stuff on the thirteen HDV tapes that were produced during those days. We say believe because we don’t know…it has felt like a good idea to have a bit of a break before embarking on the lengthy process of editing, during which it would be helpful to have at least one brain and a pair of eyes that work.

Shoot trivia: the three-legged dog that was meant to take over Seanconnery's role after he retired to the country, sadly passed away before filming. The role was eventually offered to and accepted by Sausage Dog (pictured above), who did a wonderful job.

Whilst the moving image footage of the film is still in virgin condition, we’ve had the pleasure to sample the hundreds of still photos that were kindly taken during the shoot by the very talented Mr Matt Hass. They look pretty cool indeed! Thanks Matt, and also big thanks to Tania Dolvers, our other still photographer, and Rowan Hand, who took on the roles of 2nd AD, yoga coach, photographer and generally useful person on set (Rowan also plays the cello, teaches maths, writes screenplays and has some pretty interesting stories to tell). Some of these stills should find their way to this blog in the near future…

To stay true to the slightly restless nature of this project, our director Laura has once again re-located, this time to the dark and remote rock & roll capital of Finland, also known as Hell City, to focus on the editing of the film without unnecessary distractions. Here are Laura’s greetings from Helsinki:

“It was sleeting horizontally and was pretty dark when I arrived. The situation has somewhat improved since: it’s now plus five degrees Celsius and grey. I have been trying to organise editing equipment for LEDY in between engaging in various Finnish rituals such as sampling Jallu (a Finnish cognac), eating Pulla (a Finnish sweet bun) and hanging out in Sauna as much and often as possible. Also spotted someone doing Sauvakävely (pole walking) in central Helsinki on a Friday night. In case you haven’t heard of this marvellous sport, you can check out an ace demonstration of the activity by a fellow Finn Mikko Karhu HERE.

Meanwhile Adam & Tree, and our associate producer Preethi are flying the LEDY flag in East London.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! Im cant wait to see the film! The pictures and locations look so good. Laura, keep your brain cool and use both of your eyes ;)

    XXX AmAndA
